3 Facts You Need To Know About Passive Income Super-Highway!
by Stefanus Wahyudi
3 Facts You Need To Know About Passive Income Super-Highway! by Stefanus Wahyudi
"If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business, I would have started building a Network Marketing business." - Robert T. Kiyosaki, Author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad".
The reason Robert said that is because in order to make more money in a shorter time, we cannot rely on our own effort, money and power; we have to use the power of LEVERAGE. And Network Marketing has the BEST leverage power in generating money.
Im gonna tell you 3 simple SECRETS of Online Network Marketers:
============================================================ 1. Internet is not just expanding, its BOOMING! ========================================================== These are some of the results from a research report by eTForecasts: The number of Internet users surpassed 530 million in 2001 and will continue to grow STRONGLY in the next five years.
By the end of 2005 the number of worldwide Internet users will double to 1.12B. WOW!
This means 1.12B people that you can reach by the internet.
Conclusion: ->> Market Reach:
If only 0.1% of them want to escape the rat race and here you go offering the Online Network Marketing business to them, youll have 1.12 MILLION POTENTIAL downlines.
============================================================ 2. Online Network Marketing means REAL FREEDOM! ==========================================================
You can operate your business from anywhere you want!
Run your business from your home, your office, Miami Beach or Disneyland while taking vacation with your kids. Run it from anywhere youve got Internet connection.
Remember that nowadays laptops, PDAs or even cellphones can access Internet almost from anywhere with GPRS technology. Can you imagine what will happen in the next 5 years?
No boss to order you around. STOP making your boss richer, START enriching yourself NOW!
And the best part about Online Network Marketing is this magic word:
Everyone loves Online Business because their business is up 24/7 and its on autopilot.
Conclusion: ->> Freedom:
2-3 hours a day is enough to take care of your Online Network Marketing Biz. It mainly consists of replying to emails and promoting your website, while everything else has already been programmed on autopilot; Moreover, you can work anywhere you WANT!
Isnt this TRUE freedom?
Think about the remaining time of the day. Could you use those time to create another income stream?
=========================================================== 3. Good Cashflow, Good Passive Income! ===========================================================
Robert Kiyosaki, the author of bestseller "Rich Dad Poor Dad", teaches that to be financially free, your passive income must exceed your expenses.
Too many people know this formula.
However, most of them fail to know that the 2 of the greatest things human ever created: Internet and Network Marketing System, if COMBINED will be the FASTEST super-highway to FINANCIAL FREEDOM.
Conclusion: ->> Passive Income Super-Highway:
Just Internet plus Network Marketing. SIMPLE.
Make the right choice!
Warm Regards, Stefanus Wahyudi http://www.RetireYounger.com
========================================================== Copyright Info ==========================================================
(C) 2005 RetireYounger.com. All Rights Reserved.
Stefanus Wahyudi is an experienced and successful Online Network Marketer who believes that combining Internet with Network Marketing System will result in a really POWERFUL passive income generator.