Saturday, January 20, 2007

Internet Marketing for 2007 - Affordable Efficiency

By: Nick Usborne

How many times have you come across someone offering the "secret" to making money on the Internet? Myself, I lost count a long time ago.

All too often these "secrets" are the success stories of a few people who, through natural ability, luck or a combination of the two have struck it rich. And now they want to tell you their special "secret".

And here is where you find the biggest lie of all: "If I did it, anyone can." Not true. Never was. Never will be.

The success story of one individual does not provide you with a blueprint that will guarantee success for you.

So much for the bad news.

>> Now for the good news. This is no secret.

A certain group of people - and they are a very large group - have known how to turn words and images into cash for a very long time.

They are called direct marketers.

For almost a century direct marketers have been testing the best copy, the best offers, the best formats and the best layouts. Their aim? To drive immediate results. Direct marketers are interested in collecting names and driving sales.

And over all these decades a huge body of testing results has been collected.

The writing and design of effective direct marketing is still part art - but a lot of it is also a science. Direct marketers KNOW which types of headlines work best. They KNOWN what kinds of designs and layouts are most effective. They KNOW the length and approach to copy that result in the most sales and happiest customers.

>> So how do you apply this knowledge on the Internet?

The Internet is the ultimate direct marketing medium. It's easier to get your prospects to click a button than it is to get them to mail in a response card or pick up the phone.

The point being...why risk following the advice of numerous self-appointed experts when looking for success online?

Why not, instead, follow a tried, tested and proven approach with the established skills of successful direct marketers?

Once you know how, proven direct marketing methods CAN be applied to the Internet. And they work.

>> Your next step...

If you want to know how to make money on the Internet, there is no secret. You simply need to learn the craft of a direct marketing copywriter. Find out what is known, what already works, what is proven and established.

With direct marketing copywriting skills, applied to the medium of the Internet, you can either sell your skills to others who have their own online businesses, or you can create or improve your own site and business, with your own products or services.

What do I recommend? You next step is to read my review of a truly comprehensive course written specifically to teach you how to become a successful Internet direct marketing copywriter. It's called "Secrets of Writing for the Internet". (But as you now know, it's not really a secret at all!) Start here:

Keywords: make money, internet, direct marketing, copywriting

About The Author...
Nick Usborne,
Nick Usborne is a freelance writer, author, speaker and advocate of good writing. For more articles and resources on making money as a freelance writer, visit his site at