New Internet Product And Services Review Site
by Tip Krimont
Hi, anybody that has been trying to do any kind of Internet marketing knows that you can easily get stuck in a rut. What I mean by that is you buy a product or service from the so called Internet gurus promising to make you rich in record time with little or no work. That just isnt true in todays world. So when you fail to make money as claimed you look for another quick fix product to buy.
How many times have you gotten emails selling products or services guaranteed to make you money?
So you buy the product and download it only to have it sit on your computer hard drive and collect dust. Then you repeat the cycle over and over again. There is no magic bullet or magic software that you can buy that makes you rich over night. The truth is you have to try one program or service and stick with it until you see some success. Then if you succeed repeat the process over and over again.
Until now there really hasnt been anyone or thing to help you figure out what product or service works or doesnt work. You were pretty much alone with no direction. Well I for one am getting sick and tired of throwing good money after bad.
Now there is a Web site that offers review and ratings service that is free, thats right free. There is over a thousand Internet marketeers that tell you about different products and services related to Internet marketing. Its all about helping others on selecting software or services by giving reviews and ratings on them.
Over 1,000 Associate Editors and real people, just like you, review and rate Internet marketing services and products theyve purchased and used. Products being reviewed by real users, like you, fall into many categories such as:
*Courses and Seminar *Software Products (Desktop and Server Side) Membership Sites * E books * Free Resources * MLM/Network Marketing * 3rd Party Payment Processors * Automation Tools * Forums and Discussion Boards * Hosting Services and much more...
There are NO AdSense™ ads, ... NO Yahoo!™ ads, NO MSN™ ads, NO Affiliate Links (in reviews or on the site), ... NO In-Your-Face Marketing Gimmicks or Tricks, ... NO Upsells, No One Time Offers (OTO) and Nothing to Buy, ... NO Ads Period.
So in conclusion if you want to see a refreshing change from the everyday sales job out there, come and check out the other guys. They are working for you and for free with no gain. Go put in your two cents worth or just browse the many categories of products to see how they stack up.
Tip and Laura are owners of They have a Web site about e books, software, scripts with free resale rights. New Site for Internet Marketing products and services. Its Free